
We Only Have This Very Moment

Dear Grant,

It is a week, almost to the minute, since I texted you to find out if you were joining the conference call we had scheduled with a vendor.  Knowing you as I do, there had to be a good reason you weren’t on time.  I let the others know that I wanted to wait a few minutes for you to join.  A text came back within minutes that shook me to my core. 

It was from your wife, Dayna, apologizing for notifying me like this, but that you had passed away the previous day.  Your body and paddle were found floating in the water 90 minutes after you parted ways on the beach. I quickly got off the call and kept re-reading the text.  You looked like the epitome of health.  Nonetheless you were gone.

I have learned so much in these short 7 days from you.  As I notified business associates (with Dayna’s permission), the reactions were very emotional.  People didn’t want to believe it, not Grant.  The man that possessed so much integrity when others in our industry did not.  The man that prided himself on staying in shape.  The man that truly cared, even in business dealings.  You taught me in your passing how I hope to be remembered.   It is time to reflect on many things.

You moved to the beach in California just 2 weeks prior because you both love surfing and being near the water.  As the waves of sadness overtake me, I try to remember that you passed while doing what you loved.  You honored the life you both wanted by moving.  You are making me wonder if I am honoring what I desire most by making the sacrifices to achieve those things.

One of the most telling experiences about the human being you are was on a call the week before you passed.  A client of mine needed help but didn’t know if he could afford you.  You told me that if you could help him over the phone, you would gladly do it for free.  You were a consultant paid for your knowledge and time, yet were willing to help someone that may not have been able to hire you for a full project.  While I was shocked at your reply, I also wasn’t.  This further demonstrated the kind of man you were.

You have reinvigorated my passion for life and the reminder that every minute counts because nothing is guaranteed.  I have made some changes in the past week, and I attribute them to you Grant.  There is no doubt that you touched many hearts both during your life and in your passing.  I am honored to have known you and to have learned as much as I did from you. 

You are missed…


2 thoughts on “We Only Have This Very Moment

  1. Beautiful! Def reinvigorated my desire for life! Praying for his beloved friends and family!`

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