Gratitude List

Gratitude List for January 1, 2024

  1. Grateful for waking up early and attending a 30 minute spiritual meeting online to start the year off right.
  2. Grateful for a call with my sponsor to catch her up on everything going on with me.
  3. Grateful for a call with a lady that is going to help me get my blog going again.
  4. Grateful for getting more organized in my home.
  5. Grateful for remembering to be compassionate.
You are special so be good to yourself today!!!
  • Do you ever compare your insides to others’ outsides?  For years I didn’t realize that was what I was doing.  I learned what was causing it… For me, it was about not being spiritually centered.  Anytime it happens, when it gets uncomfortable enough and I reflect, it always seems that
    “If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.”  Buddha.  When I recently saw this on someone’s Facebook page, it stopped me in my tracks.  Perhaps this is one of the pieces missing in my life.  I’m definitely good to myself… nails, hair, massage, etc.  But am I compassionate?  Would
    I was recently sent an interesting article on five powerful ways to love yourself.  One suggestion was to pen a letter to yourself highlighting all your good qualities and offering the encouragement that you need to hear.  Anyone that follows me knows my life is an open book.  I decided
    There is a saying that you can’t fill a God-sized hole with man-sized things. I’ve come to learn what that means - when I have a void in my life, food, shopping, sleep, or anything else superficial won't fill it. Going inside, deep inside, finding the root cause, reaching out