
Spiritual Subluxations

The first time I went to a chiropractor they told me the misalignments in my spine were called subluxations.  Whenever what I think, say, feel, and do are in alignment, I am at peace.  I have dubbed the term “spiritual subluxations” when any of those are out of whack.  These can take many forms: anything… Read More Spiritual Subluxations

Reasons or Excuses

Filling the Void

There is a saying that you can’t fill a God-sized hole with man-sized things. I’ve come to learn what that means – when I have a void in my life, food, shopping, sleep, or anything else superficial won’t fill it. Going inside, deep inside, finding the root cause, reaching out to whatever form of spirituality… Read More Filling the Void


Whatever I Feed Grows

I found a gym soon after moving to my new home in March of 2018. I felt intimidated as soon as I walked through the doors for my first group class.  Everyone was in better shape than me, seemed to know each other, and understood each circuit exercise as the trainer went through them.  There… Read More Whatever I Feed Grows