I am enough

Being Good to Myself

“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.”  Buddha.  When I recently saw this on someone’s Facebook page, it stopped me in my tracks.  Perhaps this is one of the pieces missing in my life.  I’m definitely good to myself… nails, hair, massage, etc.  But am I compassionate?  Would I say some of the… Read More Being Good to Myself

Be Guided

Time and Place

Many years ago, my friend Greg Pierce shared that “faith” is an acronym for finding answers in the heart.  Rather than looking outside myself for the answers I seek, I only need to look within.  Sometimes I remember that, and sometimes emotions overcome me to the point that I am driven by them.  The latter… Read More Time and Place

I am enough

Pen a Letter to Yourself

I was recently sent an interesting article on five powerful ways to love yourself.  One suggestion was to pen a letter to yourself highlighting all your good qualities and offering the encouragement that you need to hear.  Anyone that follows me knows my life is an open book.  I decided to write the letter and… Read More Pen a Letter to Yourself


A Letter to My Daddy

Dear Daddy,  At this very moment, on this day in 1979, I came in through the garage, walked up the stairs, and found you lying there.  The best I can tell is that you came home, let the dog out on his run, and just keeled over and dropped dead.  You didn’t even get a… Read More A Letter to My Daddy