Gratitude List

Gratitude list for January 15, 2024 including weekly prayer list

Weekly prayer list below:

Gratitude list for January 15, 2024 – 1. Grateful for an awesome manager at the Sketchers store. 2. Grateful for an awesome home group meeting. 3. Grateful for not procrastinating on getting prep work done for a meeting. 4. Grateful for a nap. 5. Grateful for the incredibly beautiful clouds I saw.

Weekly Prayer List:

I know the power of prayer and am grateful to all those that take time to pray for those on this list. Please let me know if you want to add anyone and please provide updates that I can share with the group. We always want to know how people we are praying for are doing.

Below is this week’s list:

**Those that need prayers and can’t ask for various reasons.
**Dawn – First surgery was successful. Recuperating and preparing for the second surgery.
**Mary Cox – Chemo going well so far with no complications

Prayer list:
**Tammi Tillman – Getting ready for double mastectomy; further treatment will be decided later.
**Jim – Cancer has spread and trying to figure out treatment choices
**Jo – Brain tumor – Had surgery; radiation is very difficult & complicated
**Request for a friend and a 2 yo boy both fighting cancer
**Randi Shapiro – Back on chemo.
**Esther Makau AlEm – Needs a better job to be able to provide for her children. She is in Nairobi.
**Alica – Gd know
**Annette – Multiple brain bleeds from a fall. Entered hospice today. No chance to recover.

You are special so be good to yourself today!!!

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