Gratitude List

Gratitude List for December 31, 2023

  1. Grateful for going to my home group and seeing people I love.
  2. Grateful for meeting a lady at the meeting with 32 years in recovery and exchanging numbers.
  3. Grateful for being able to go grocery shopping.
  4. Grateful for being able to fall asleep in the midst of all the fireworks.
  5. Grateful for meeting a lady who is sober but hasn’t been attending meetings. Hope to hear from her.
  6. Grateful for feeling excited about 2024.

You are special so be good to yourself today!!!

2 thoughts on “Gratitude List for December 31, 2023

  1. This is lovely, Karen. I am grateful to have you in my life.
    I am grateful for a happy and peaceful life.
    I am grateful for my nice warm house and my soft cozy bed.
    I am grateful for my sweet husband and our funny little dog.
    I am grateful for the red oak tree in my neighbor’s front yard that I can see from my office window.

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